Oct. 1, 2019

Mike Wallace - Software Engineer and Gamer

Mike Wallace - Software Engineer and Gamer

Today's featured guest is Mike Wallace.  Mr. Wallace is a 28 year old software engineer who also enjoys creating video games with others and playing them competitively (both of which can rely heavily on spoken communication).  Mr. Wallace...

Today's featured guest is Mike Wallace.  Mr. Wallace is a 28 year old software engineer who also enjoys creating video games with others and playing them competitively (both of which can rely heavily on spoken communication).  Mr. Wallace also enjoys photography and creative writing, both of which he finds as a useful outlet for expressing himself out of speech.  Mr. Wallace is also a lifelong stutterer and he shares his story with us. 

I believe there is healing in sharing and Mr. Wallace is an inspiration to all.  If you would like to reach out to Mike Wallace, his twitter handle is:  https://twitter.com/KimChi_Pls

If you would like to send me a voice message, you can use SpeakPipe.    https://www.speakpipe.com/MyStutteringLife

 I may use your message on an upcoming podcast episode.  

For correspondence/inquiries/merchandise:

Pedro Pena, PO Box 684, Baytown, Texas USA 77522